You'll find lots of shared website hosting providers available, however many of them are resellers who have minimal resources, especially when it comes to support. A good way to distinguish them is the option to contact the company over the telephone. The type of support that you can get through this particular method of communication will vary depending on the service provider - some provide dedicated phone support, others offer basic and customer support only since some matters are more time-consuming and it is much easier to be resolved via a ticket, particularly when the issue has to be escalated. Nonetheless, it is good to know that you can contact your web hosting supplier as there're countless small issues which can be taken care of without difficulty and in a very timely manner with a call, not mentioning that you can get more info regarding the services even before you become a customer.
Phone Support in Shared Website Hosting
If you choose to acquire one of our Linux shared website hosting packages, you'll be able to speak with our customer support crew over the telephone for 14 hours a day. We can assist you in choosing the ideal plan for your web sites since we think that it's better to discuss this kind of matters with a live person. If you already have an account, we're able to help you with all sales/billing questions and / or general issues, even with some tech matters which do not involve a long time or escalation to an administrator as it is more appropriate to open a support ticket for time-consuming troubles so as to have the entire communication in a single place. We now have phone numbers in the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia, so you're able to call the one you prefer and talk to one of our representatives.
Phone Support in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Any time you want more information regarding the Linux semi-dedicated packages that we provide, you're able to call one of the three support phone lines that we have worldwide - in the U.S.A., the United Kingdom and Australia. In this way, you'll be able to check ahead of time if our services will be appropriate for your web sites. If you are already our client and you've got a semi-dedicated account, you can reach us on the phone for 14 hours a day about any type of billing or basic queries. For entirely tech matters you can take advantage of our ticketing system and get in touch with our technical support since someissues just need more time to be dealt with, still we will help you on the phone with lots of minor tech issues as well, saving you efforts and time.